9.18.07Walking Machine
JAMES IS FINALLY WALKING!!! WOW A month before his 1st birthday. :) I'm so excited. his brother walked a wk before his birthday.
9.28.07Mothering is a wonderful feeling
this was back in may but I figured I'd put it up here that way I can keep it forever and do what I want with it....
Took a shower together just standing there relaxing in the warm
water wish i had a photographer there would've been some good shots of him
resting his head on me. i felt so motherly like something was bothering him and
i was soothing him instead of letting him cry while i took a shower, i was only
able to get my hair washed but that's okay. i kinda felt good to have a lil one
like that rest his head on my shoulder again. connor only does that when he's
sick or falls asleep.
6.9.07James just starting crawling about 2wks ago and he follows is brother everywhere!!! Including me when he needs something like fed, diaper change, or needs a nap. Thess right now though are my favorite expressions from James. In the first one it looks like he's saying "UUMMM... Yea now what do u want?" and the second one he looks like his a chipmunk. to cute and he's eyes are alot bluier than Connor's ever were. It's unreal how blue they are.
I can't believe he'll be 8months on the 13th, where has the time gone. There for awhile when he was first born it seemed like he couldn't grow fast enough and now I want it to slow down because I know that once he starts walking I'm going to have two walking and I'll be pulled in two different directions to do this with one and that with the other. what to do, what to do? James is my momma's boy through and through. It's like I'm the only one that can soothe him and put him to sleep for long periods of time. Everywhere else with whomever he's with he only sleeps maybe 20-45minutes. go figure I guess. :)
6.1.07James has done nothing but fuss all day long he only napped for about a half hour to let me get a shower while Connor ate lunch!!! AAHHH I want to pull my hair out!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!! it's 2:30p and they are both napping. Man that feels good.
Well tonight we are going over my parents house for dinner and then my mom and I are going to a jewelry party while MIL watches the boys.
Tomorrow my mom and I are taking the boys to get there pictures taken with tuxedos!!! I hope they turn out well.
I finally ate something, leftover spaghetti. mmmm mmmm good now I need to put all the toys back so when they wake up all I have to do is get them ready to go out the door.